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Dreaming Gods


Dreaming Gods is a table top RPG with card game elements. It has a large focus on customization and wide genre base that range from fantasy to sci-fi and sci-fi fantasy. What sets Dreaming Gods apart from most games is that it takes the best of part of table top and card games, while leaving out much of the negative aspects. It takes the easy to understand rules of playing card games, with the world building opportunities that table top games offer.


Most table top games are relatively hard to get into as they often have complex rules that many new players find hard to learn, especially if all or most participating players have never played table top games. Playing cards games on the other hand are usually very easy to learn by comparison, but are hard to get into as they often have a strong veteran fan base that makes it hard for new players to face off against, or at the very least hard to go into when those game have grown so much with such a large array of cards, making it daunting to participate.


Dreaming Gods combines the simplicity of card games with the stability of table top games. The card game formula makes it easy for players to learn rules that are simple yet allows for the ability to make complex, customizable classes, while at the same time leaving players free to use the characters that they make in a table top setting.


Below you will find the bulk of what I created, but have refrained from posting more detailed aspects such most Class sheets and the world. If you wish to know even more about Dreaming Gods, feel free to contact me.

Basic Rules & Guide

In depth Document

Class Sheet Examples

These are just two examples of the 40+ classes within the game. The actual game Abilities are in playing card form for better playability and flow.


I present to you various representations of the 40+ classes of Dreaming Gods. I try to introduce many of the classes with their origins or lore, as well as a brief description of what they are capable of. This is meant to entice the reader's curiosity and have them want to know more about them.
DISCLAIMER: I did not create these images, nor do I own the rights to any of them. I have simply gathered each one and created a collage to represent the classes of the game that I did create.

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